AdSense commom rejections details and their solutions 2024


Hello publishers, In this article we are going to discuss about all the AdSense site common rejections and their easy solution. You can easily get the details and solution of specific rejection in AdSense. There are many rejection you can get from AdSense when you submitted your site for AdSense approval and AdSense reject your website. In this case you need to know the best solution to fix these error according to your website. 

Common AdSense Rejections

  • Valuable inventory low value content
  • Google served ads on screen without publisher content 
  • Scrapped content error
  • Meet AdSense program and policies
  • You already have an AdSense account
  • You need to fix some policy violations
  • Site under construction
  • More ads or paid promotional material than publisher content

Above listed rejections are common during AdSense approval process now read the step by step guide to fix these errors in AdSense.

Low value content:

The common reason of this error is issue with your site content. You need to have high quality and informative content on your site to fix this error. You also need to write the minimum number of articles to fix this error. Drive some traffic to your site it may be social or organic. Index your website to drive some organic traffic. After following these little changes you can easily  fix low value content.

Google served ads on screen without publisher content

Mostly this error come on site which have no any content or blank site applied for AdSense approval. Make sure you have 15 posts of 1000+ words and also make sure that your all posts are indexed in AdSense. To fix this error you need to create 20-25 articles of 1000+ words and index them in google search console. When your all articles are get indexed then reapply for AdSense approval.

Scrapped Content error:

This error mostly come on site that have copyright content it may be articles, images, quotes, or something else. When you copy the content from other sites and pasted it on your own website then this error come. To fix scrapped content error you need to remove copyright or plagiarised content and make some original content and resubmit your website for approval. 

Meet program and policies:

The common reason of this error is your IP address or your device IMEI code. this error mostly come when you have signed in more than one AdSense account on same device or IP address because Google AdSense only allow one account per person. To fix this error you need to apply your site with AdSense active dashboard or green tick profile verified AdSense. If you do not have green tick or active dashboard AdSense then try to apply your site from new device and IP address.

You Already have and AdSense account

This error is same as meet AdSense program and policies error but in this case google know that you have second active or green tick verified AdSense. To use your new AdSense you need to close your old AdSense account. If you have the access to your old AdSense account then apply your website from that AdSense.

You need to fix some policy violations

Policy violations error come when your site have prohibited content or a invalid traffic. These two reasons are the most common cause of policy violations in AdSense. To fix policy violations you need to stop invalid traffic on your site and and remove prohibited and copyright content from your website.

Site Under Construction:

This error is rare in AdSense but you also need to fix it before your site get ready for AdSense approval. To fix Site under construction you need to remove broken links from your website. Use the well customized theme make easy navigation menus and index your site. Fixing of site under construction is easy as compare to other errors.

More ads or paid promotional material than publisher content

This error is come on sites which have more affiliated links in their articles or using any other ad network like, Adstera, monetag, etc. To fix More ads or paid promotional material than publisher content you need to remove the affiliated links from your site content and turn off third party ads. Then reapply your site now your site is ready.

Thanks for visiting our site best of luck!

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